BariMind - Relinquish/Recreate/Recapture

BariMind focuses on the mindset before, during and after the bariatric surgery experience. The body changes are one aspect, but the mind is the one that really needs support during the first 1-2 years after surgery. The ‘head stuff’ usually starts to kick in around 6 months post-op when things have settled and this has become your ‘new normal’. When the reality of how much has changed becomes clearer. BariMind guides you to embrace the changes and keep moving forward towards the life you desire. We guide you to relinquish old patterns and behaviours, recreate your belief system, and recapture that spirit inside you that has been hidden for too long! BariMind will set you up with a new mindset to allow for positive changes to happen more easily, and to create long lasting and successful results. BariMind includes tools to keep you motivated, focused and working towards creating the life you have always wanted, where your weight is no longer holding you back.

“Setting you up for long-term success after bariatric surgery. Focusing on a new mindset, creating sustainable change, and healing old self-beliefs.”

Recommended to do between 6-12 months after bariatric surgery.

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Setting you up for long-term success after bariatric surgery. Focusing on a new mindset, creating sustainable change, and healing old self-beliefs.

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BariMind with Coaching


Setting you up for long-term success after bariatric surgery. Focusing on a new mindset, creating sustainable change, and healing old self-beliefs.
Includes 1 x coaching session