The Self™ Program

What – The Self Program is a 6-week program is focused on getting to the core of your belief system, identify your pain points, and figure about why you feel the way you do about yourself. Then we work to rebuild yourself to become your true authentic self, for yourself! See the theme? It is all about YOU! 

The Change Within Method – The Self™ Program is for people who –

  • Struggle with their self-worth, self-esteem, or self-confidence
  • Struggle to see their value – in relationships, friendships, in their work, in themselves
  • Who sabotage themselves repeatedly
  • Who don’t feel worthy of having good things
  • Who create obstacles to avoid living
  • Who has limiting beliefs that effect the way they live your life
  • Who more often than not doesn’t complete goals they have set themselves and then beats yourself up about it
  • Who uses ‘Methods of Suppression’ to avoid feeling or express feelings
  • Who has super high expectations of themselves yet never achieve their goals
  • Who aim for perfection, and anything less is a failure
  • Who ‘fail’ at one particular thing they can never feel quite of top of – weight, relationships, career, body image, money, etc.
  • Who finds it easier to say negative things about themself than positive
  • Who struggles to feel happy or remember the last time they were genuinely happy
  • Who is ready for the next step in their personal growth and development 

Do you relate to any of these?

The Change Within Method – The Self™ Program is aimed at stripping down your old beliefs about yourself and where they come from, and then rebuilding with purpose and a focus towards the future. Where you learn to make yourself a priority in your own life, to find your voice, and healing old pain points that have previously held you back. The focus of this program is all about YOU!

What do I get for the 6 weeks?

  • Access to all program material for life 
  • Access to the Facebook group for extra support
  • 1 x Session Lesson video recording each week 
  • With the Coaching Package option – included is 1 x 1-1 Coaching Session with Vanessa Warren each week for the duration of the program (45-60 mins) 

These sessions are conducted either in person (based in central Christchurch or via Zoom. (Conditions apply).

For the full 6 week coaching program with weekly coaching sessions cost, and payment plan options, please contact Vanessa for availability.