Programme #3 – 6 →12 months Post Weight Loss Surgery – The Motivation, Mindfulness and Wellness Module ™

This module is about cementing what you have learned in the first 6 months, and working through old mind states, habits and behaviours that may be beginning to appear again; This part programme and part workbook helps you work through being mindful, identifying old mind states; gives you the TWC principles for sustainable, lasting weight loss and achieving a balanced life; defeating negative thinking, self-loathing and building self-love; helps you to create new, healthy relationships with activity, weight loss, body image and self-worth, provides you the tools to help you build your self-confidence and self-esteem; teaches you about goal setting, overcoming obstacles, the model of change, emotional and comfort eating, head hunger versus physical hunger; helps you to identify how you view success and failure with years of battling your weight; and this module helps you to identify the areas of your life that may need some ‘tweaking’ in order to achieve a life lived with balance and moderation, using the 7 Pillars of Wellness questionnaire.